
Advertising should always be fun, and Škoda thought Facebook's Instant Experience (IX) was the perfect tool for the job. IX is a full-screen experience that lets brands bring their products to life on mobile. With Škoda however, it was taken a step further.

After working closely with Facebook it was decided that a custom variant of the online app would be produced for Škoda, using customisable computer-generated, cloud-rendered vehicle imagery. This had never been done before.

The interactive advert gives users a range of paint colour, alloy, and interior trim options in a 4-stage interactive experience. They see the results of their choices LIVE at each stage during the customisation process. At the end of the user journey, the participant is rewarded with a video displaying their very own custom Škoda Octavia, ready to purchase from their nearest dealership.

After a research trip to meet Škoda in Prague, I was given complete creative control and returned to England to design and write the copy for this groundbreaking project.
It is currently being rolled out to 17 countries and goes live later in the summer.

Paint Selection

Alloy Selection

Interior Trim Selection

Customised User Video



Using Format