Surprise Me

Guernsey’s premier family department store Creasey’s had been anxious that it might be losing touch with a younger audience. Research confirmed these fears, despite the store having access to many leading international youth brands and carrying eye-catching merchandise. How could we encourage this target market to look at Creasey's in a different light?

The creative team and I put our minds together and created #beSurprised as a mantra not just for marketing, but also as a challenge for store buyers and store presentation. I played a primary role in the development of the brand and my previous experience in retail helped me choreograph many successful campaigns.

Loyal, core customers found the new approach refreshing and the younger market responded very positively too. Creasey’s has since, re-positioned itself as the store for a new generation of customers. I tried at every instance to inject a youthful feel into the brand with strong colours, bold lifestyle photography, and a playful, positive outlook. 

The simple use of the hashtag has made the brand more relevant to a younger demographic and in turn, has reinvigorated the store!




Poster Boy 

Creasey's is quite a physical presence on-island in terms of square footage and this produced many opportunities to create POS and good, old fashioned posters. Most of these posters featured external brands but for internal promotions and offers, it was great fun to use them as a canvas for my ideas. Here are just a few.




Direct Mail

The primary objective for Creasey's after our re-branding was to make sure that the island took notice of the changes we had made, whilst at the same time re-energizing existing customers to shop in-store.

We launched '#beSurprised', a bi-annual magazine promoting new offers and exciting brands. These were delivered to homes of Creasey's prestigious ONE Card owners and I have since enjoyed designing six, twenty-page editions.



You've Got Mail

Unfortunately developing Creasey's into a company which accommodated online ordering and delivery was not an option. This meant that promoting in-store footfall was crucial. I created several successful digital campaigns (mostly for seasonal holidays and sales) and weekly emails to a customer database of over 20,000 ensured constant brand exposure. 

I feel very proud to have worked with Creasey's and feel I have delivered a fresh-faced, contemporary style since starting work with the local high street legend.

Using Format